Be found on Google – achieve higher Google rankings.

Make it easy for people looking for your products and services to find you online.
Search Engine Optimisation Surrey
SEO Surrey - Search Engine Optimisation Surrey

Why use SEO services?

Our SEO Service

We will help you identify the right SEO strategy to attract your ideal clients; targeting keywords that will bring the ideal visitors to your website.

We’ll optimise content on your website and promote the site across the internet for the targeted keywords leading to month on month ranking improvements.


We have many years experience working on SEO for our clients - it was one of the first services we ever launched and it is still going strong (albeit enhanced) years later. Our packages have been designed to suit varying budgets and objectives. If you want enhanced activity to our fixed packages, please get in touch for a bespoke quotation.

3 month SEO improvement

This can be a great starting point for a one-off project or to dip your toe in the SEO water! It will activate your SEO strategy with short term improvements.

We analyse your site specifically targeting areas that we know through years of experience will greatly improve your website’s standing on the internet.

We use the very latest optimisation strategies, both on and of page that are designed to boost your online presence and generate visitor traffic to your website quickly.

Kick off

This comprehensive audit with a detailed analysis of the search engine optimisation that has been performed on your site will show you your current search engine rankings.

Our program will then suggest areas where your website’s SEO can be improved, along with what form these  improvements should take.

We will analyse keywords & key phrases on your website and strategise how these can then be improved. This state-of-the-art program takes into account the very latest SEO
strategies that should be used on your website.

Your Consultant will be on hand to explain the report to you in full and guide you through the various options activ SEO has available to assist you with developing your online presence.

Power up

Designed to progressively build a solid and sustainable level of visitor traffic to your website over a 12-month time span (and beyond!).

This package includes:

  • Directory submissions
  • Publication of relevant articles
  • Link creations
  • 10 key terms
  • Monthly report


Develop a strong web presence with a high level of visitor traffic taken from the marketplace in which you operate.

This package includes:

  • Analysing reports from various sectors of the internet
  • Article publication sites
  • High quality link creation program
  • Directory submissions
  • 20 key terms
  • 1 landing page per month
  • Monthly report

Fire up

More of an aggressive approach and improvement to your search engine rankings dependent on how competitive your industry is.

This package includes:

  • Analysing reports from various sectors of the internet
  • Article publication sites
  • High quality link creation program
  • Directory submissions
  • 30 key terms
  • 1 landing page per month
  • 1 article per month
  • Monthly report

Blast off

This package will not only improve the quality of your website traffic but it will increase company awareness, customer loyalty, conversion ratio and overall return on marketing efforts.

This package includes:

  • Custom strategies
  • Transparent reporting
  • 40 key terms
  • 1 landing page per month
  • 2 articles per month
  • Monthly report

Note: A keyword research report and website audit is included free of charge during the first month of Blast off.


Keyword Research

Identify the search terms used by your ideal clients.
We can give you real insight into how your potential clients are looking for your products and services online. Knowing the right terms to use in your marketing can make the difference between them finding you or your competition.

Understanding the best keywords to target is fundamental to online marketing.

What you get:

PLUS 1 Hour online consultation to review research and discuss recommendations

Generate more interest online

Being found on Google can lead to some of the easiest business you can get. Then let your website do the work to convert that interest into enquiries.

activ-ate your online presence

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your requirements and see how activ can grow your business

  • SEO Services
  • SEO Packages
  • Keywords Research

Free eBook

An essential guide to help you achieve your online marketing goals!